Investors, Owners + Operators

 We lead our clients to redefine strategy and operations to respond effectively to unprecedented change.

Transforming business models to improve performance

Trends and Indicators

Develop proprietary customer intelligence, fed by Adaptiv’s Enterprise Practice. that informs asset (re)positioning and ensure tight market alignment.


Develop expanded products and services that align with demand-profiles and analytics.

Market conditions

Develop a strong brand through differentiated levers that further strengthens value propositions for existing and prospective customers.


Rebake operations, marketing and sales models to ensure seamless alignment across expanded products and service offerings.

Core Objectives

Adaptiv creates long-term NOI and asset value. We measure and track impacts in these key areas:

Investment Thesis, Productization and Underwriting

Alternative Proforma vs. Traditional

Activation Premiums (on exit)


NOI (and other yield metrics)

Conversion Metrics

Retention Metrics

A proven approach to client value creation


Research and market-specific analytics as well as diagnostics on operations all emphasizing comparisons to peer group assets in-market.  

OUTPUT: Clarity and snapshot of "what is" so that the "what's possible" targets can be developed

Ideation and Modeling

Various scenarios and concepts can be developed with the ROI and overall possible gain and spread established.

OUTPUT: Alternatives to the existing strategy / plan brought into focus so decisions around a variety of changes can be made with confidence. This may include new product types as well as enhancing the value proposition and possible ways to supercharge asset performance. 


Lead long-term program management of performance improvement projects co-created alongside client.

OUTPUT: Managing multiple workstreams such as supply chains, establishing an R&D or innovation function, expanding customer engagement modalities, enhancing the digital footprint and asset brand, etc.

Ready to talk?

Attend /Book a workshop?



By Jeffrey Langdon February 4, 2025
The rise of technology-enabled "work-from-anywhere" is fundamentally reshaping commercial real estate, compelling buy-side intermediaries to transform their value proposition radically. While finding space, negotiating leases, and managing transactions remain important, these traditional services no longer suffice in an era where organizations are reimagining the very nature of work itself.
By Jeffrey Langdon May 20, 2024
For many investors and their capital partners, Covid 19 sped up behavioral change in how companies and their employees are working differently, altering their fundamental need for office space, and consequentially gutting the equity in their office investments. Asset after asset is in the news daily setting new price-per-square-foot lows that are unprecedented.
By Jeffrey Langdon September 18, 2023
The Hybrid Work Codex is a framework to enable a company to respond effectively to the complexities of the modern work environment.
By Craig Loeber January 2, 2023
If companies should treat their employees as customers (they should), and smart companies continue to invest significantly in employee experience , what can we learn from recent, radical transformations to customer experience in the retail sector?
AOR rebrands as Adaptiv
By Patti Faulkner December 5, 2022
AOR (Adaptive Office Resources) announced today that it has completed a major rebranding and renaming as Adaptiv Management Consulting (Adaptiv). The firm is leading the way in the development of next-generation solutions for enterprise companies, office investors and other sector constituents to solve for the changing relationship companies and their employees have with work and place.
October 8, 2022
Cloud-based business infrastructure digitization and ubiquitous connectivity has literally unplugged today's workforce from the need to come into "the office".
The Gap
October 8, 2022
Is ownership truly providing any material advantage over its competition?
Unlocking $57M in value across a legacy office development
Leading executive leadership to next-generation investment strategy
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