Innovation at the convergence of people, work and place

Choppy waters in a time of inflection and transformation

Adaptiv has the thought leadership and depth of expertise to steer clients through this turbulence.


Technological accelerations now enable employees to challenge traditional work norms. Economic uncertainty now requires increased enterprise agility. Climate change now drives a need for increased corporate sustainability. These factors are causing businesses to think differently about how they design strategies for work.

Converging silos are inevitable

This requires changes to enterprise work strategies, as well as to business models across industries.


Companies are rewriting their playbook for how, when and where work gets done; how to sharpen strategy; and how to leverage AI for operational efficiences

Commercial real estate businesses know they must reposition their assets, management and investment approaches in order to capture shifting demand

Product and service providers to this sector must evolve their value proposition and their offerings to remain relevant in the face of these changing needs

Employees and companies are rewriting the playbook for how when and where work gets done


Enterprise companies need to enable employees to work how, when and where they choose. As a result, they need to re-engineer platforms, policy, process and tools for producing work

Companies skilled at “line-of-sight” management need new core competencies built around managing an increasingly distributed workforce

Companies that successfully balance employee expectations with business objectives will reduce employee turnover, lowering the associated “hard costs” and materially improve corporate performance

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Commercial real estate businesses know they must reposition their assets, management and investment approaches in order to capture shifting demand


Hybrid work trends continue to erode traditional demand and require commercial real estate owners to upgrade their value proposition to end-users to remain relevant and competitive

Owners need to deeply understand end-user buying patterns and needs, and underwrite to both lowered capital intensity and higher churn attributes of office space products that can better align with the planning horizons of the end-user

Orienting to a future with higher churn coupled with increased management intensity requires an evolution of asset and property management models and processes

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Product and service providers to this sector must evolve their value proposition and their offerings to remain relevant in the face of these changing needs


The commercial real estate industry vertical has disproportionately high intermediation due to friction in business models long overdue for innovation. Eliminating friction is inevitable

Maintaining, even growing services share requires creating value for clients / customers that is "less transactional" and more "advisory"

Intermediaries across the spectrum  working with investors, operators and occupiers will need to adapt to the changing needs of their customers

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What we believe

Enterprise companies need to equip employees with greater autonomy to choose when and where they work.

To do so, enterprises must re-engineer key policies, norms, processes, tools and workplace solutions that provide guardrails within which employees can make choices and align to long-term business goals

Companies that successfully balance employee expectations with business objectives will reduce employee turnover, lowering the associated “hard costs” and materially improve corporate performance

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Hybrid work trends continue to erode traditional demand and require commercial real estate owners to upgrade their value proposition to end-users to remain relevant and competitive

Owners need to deeply understand end-user buying patterns and needs, and underwrite to both lowered capital intensity and higher churn attributes of office space products that can better align with the planning horizons of the end-user

Orienting to a future with higher churn coupled with increased management intensity requires an evolution of asset and property management models and processes

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Across industry verticals  disproportionately high intermediation due to friction in business models long overdue for innovation. Eliminating friction is inevitable

Maintaining, even growing services share requires creating value for clients / customers that is "less transactional" and more "advisory"

Intermediaries across the spectrum  working with investors, operators and occupiers will need to adapt to the changing needs of their customers

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Adaptiv crafts bespoke solutions that deliver value and sharpen competitive edge


A Deeply Experienced Team

Adaptiv's team of thought leaders span business operations and functional areas such as HR, employee experience and corporate real estate, as well as commercial real estate investment, operations, management and technology.

Jeffrey Langdon


Accomplished c-level executive, entrepreneur, and acknowledged thought leader. During his career, Langdon has more than once been on the cutting edge in multiple industries.

Craig Loeber


A strategic thinker and a pioneer in the future of work, Loeber has spent his career in both in-house and advisory roles for leading enterprises and owners to navigate structural change and unlock long-term value.

Patti Faulkner


Experienced marketing and mangagement consulting executive across corporate, hospitality and real estate sectors. A true placemaking artisan combining brand, operations, sales, and strategy to elevate performance.


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